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The Outer Banks Promise

The Outer Banks Promise is a destination pledge aimed at fostering responsible behavior and deepening respect for our local culture and natural environment. We hope to encourage everyone to take small but impactful steps to protect this area for future generations.

The Outer Banks Promise

The Outer Banks is an amazing natural wonder that has been the source of historic achievements and supported a special way of life for generations. Let’s keep it that way and do our part. Look out for one another, be aware and prepared for any situation and work together to protect this place that we love. So let’s promise to:

  1. Discover this land of history and inspiration with a spirit of kindness and appreciation.
  2. Turn “what ifs” into “let’s prepare.”
  3. Pack it in, pack it out. Leave no trace.
  4. Wander with wonder, sticking to roads and paths.
  5. Love the beach, respect the ocean.
  6. Be a wildlife star, observing animals safely from afar.
  7. Support local. Small acts have big impacts.

Make The Outer Banks Promise at OBXpromise.com


Outer Banks Promise - WBNM

About The Outer Banks Promise

As outlined in Goal #1 of the Outer Banks Long-Range Tourism Management Plan (LRTMP)—Strengthen Resident and Visitor Engagement—one of the strategic recommendations was to develop a destination pledge to communicate the important values of responsible behavior on the Outer Banks.

At its meeting on April 18, 2024, the Dare County Tourism Board approved the Special Committee's draft of The Outer Banks Promise.

Aimed at fostering responsible tourism and preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the Outer Banks—a region known for its diverse and fragile ecosystems and unique historical significance that has supported a special way of life for generations—The Outer Banks Promise is a voluntary commitment that encourages residents and visitors to do their part to protect it.

Similar pledges have been crafted by several destinations around the world, particularly in recent years. Examples include:

What is a Destination Pledge?
Initiatives that encourage visitors to commit to responsible behaviors when they travel.

What are Destination Pledges Trying to Accomplish?

  • Engage visitors’ emotions to inspire them to care about the destination

  • Require visitors to take action rather than passively reading a list of guidelines

  • Make their promises public by signing the pledge and submitting

What is the Long-Term Goal of Such a Pledge?
Ultimately, the long-term goal of a destination pledge is to positively influence behaviors, including inspiring greater respect for the natural environment and local culture as well as ensuring visitor safety.